Victor CIobanu

Back-end Developer

Front-end Developer


Internet of Things

Victor CIobanu

Back-end Developer

Front-end Developer


Internet of Things

Author: Victor Ciobanu

June 15, 2022 #mamaiethecat

If you found this page, you probably searched for the meaning of #mamaiethecat and ended up here. Congratulations! Here are…

February 24, 2016 Guvernul lanseaza

Cine a facut platforma ? Aplicatia a fost dezvoltata in cadrul DSOD folosind resurse interne, cu sprijinul Secretariatului General…

October 14, 2015 Guvernul Romaniei lanseaza aplicatia pentru telefoane mobile cu sistem de operare iOS, Andoid si Windows Phone

Cine a facut aplicatia de mobil Guvernul Romaniei ? Aplicatia dezvoltata impreuna cu participantii la programul de internship 2015 in…

February 14, 2013 Free Woocommerce Product Feed Plugin

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I started working on a Free Woocommerce Product Feed plugin for Google…